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  • 제목 및 요약문 단어 검색

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  • 정보통신정책연구, 23권1호, 2016

    Policy Constellation Matters: Evidence from Investment in the Telecommunications Industry in European Countries

    Woohyun Shim

  • 정보통신정책연구, 22권4호, 2015

    ICT Industry-Specific Optimal R&D Index Using Growth Performance: An Extreme Value Model

    Yongjae Kim

  • 정보통신정책연구, 22권4호, 2015

    단말기보조금 상한규제는 서비스요금경쟁을 촉진할 것인가?


  • 정보통신정책연구, 22권4호, 2015

    How Essential and Biased are Search Engines? Empirical Evidence from the Flow of Internet Traffic

    Juwon Kwak